Individuals and Contractors planning or requesting to build dwellings within the BLWC service area are reminded that the process for obtaining a building permit from Rich County includes the following three required steps involving the HOA in which the dwelling is to be built, and BLWC.
New Connections
Dwelling Plans
Plans for the dwelling must be submitted to the appropriate HOA for their review to make certain that, among other things, the dwelling will meet requirements specified in the CC&R’s of the subdivision where the dwelling will be located including location of property corner stakes, size of dwelling, style, setbacks, approval from the Health department if a septic system is to be used, etc. Once the plans are reviewed and approved the HOA will prepare a letter to the applicant indicating plan approval and signifying that the applicant is authorized to apply to Rich County for a building permit for the dwelling once the availability of culinary water has been verified by the BLWC. The HOA should also prepare a copy of the Water Connection Request Form, filled out completely and signed by the HOA indicating that the plans for construction have been approved. Alternatively the applicant can copy the form off of the Bear Lake Water Company website, fill in the information required, and then go to the appropriate HOA representative to have the form approved and signed.2
Submit Water Connection Request Form
The Water Connection Request Form must be submitted to the Bear Lake Water Company, along with a completed and signed copy of a Water Service Agreement for New Construction before applying for a building permit and before any construction begins. The Form must be completely filled out, signed by an authorized member of the HOA Building Committee, and accompanied by the applicant’s check in the amount of $5,000 payable to the Bear Lake Water Company. This one-time connection fee pays for the dwelling’s meter, setter, meter barrel, installation at the property line, and connection to the main water line in the street.3
Signed Water Connection Request Form Given To Applicant
The Bear Lake Water Company will sign the completed Water Connection Request Form and give a copy to the applicant signifying an approved water connection for the applicants structure will be provided. This along with the letter from the HOA authorizing the applicant to seek a building permit should then be submitted to the Rich County Building Inspector with the applicants request to Rich County for the permit.It is important to note that all three of the above steps must be completed before any construction begins and before an application for a building permit in the Sweetwater area will be accepted by Rich County.